Database of cinema, music, history and literature

a man for all seasons (1966)

Original title: a man for all seasons
117 min|
Poster of movie a man for all seasons
year 1528: england needs an heir, henry viii demands divorce. all his advisers are with him, except thoma more who, irreducible in his firm opposition, will end up first imprisoned and then, due to the betrayal of his collaborator richard rich, sentenced to death.

Festivals and awards


Fred Zinnemannregista

Production and Screenplay

Fred Zinnemannproduttore
Robert Boltsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Alice More
cardinale wolsey
margaret more
cardinale Walsey
Orson Welles
arcivescovo cranmer
chief justice
Richard Rich
rappresentante del re
moglie di matthew
William Roper
Averil Machin
aiutante di norfolk
capitano della guardia
governatore della torre
John HurtJohn Hurt(età:26)
Leo MckernLeo Mckern(età:46)
Paul Hardwick(età:48)
Robert ShawRobert Shaw(età:39)
Nick TateNick Tate(età:24)
Paul ScofieldPaul Scofield(età:44)
Susannah YorkSusannah York(età:25)
Colin Blakely(età:36)
Orson WellesOrson Welles(età:51)
Wendy Hiller(età:54)
Jack GwillimJack Gwillim(età:54)
Yootha JoyceYootha Joyce(età:39)
Cyril LuckhamCyril Luckham(età:59)

Technical staff

Georges DelerueGeorges Deleruemusiche
Ralph Kemplenmontatore
Ted Mooredirettore della fotografia
Elizabeth Haffendencostumista
John Boxscenografo
Joan Bridgecostumista
Josie MacAvinscenografo

Voices and Dubbing