Database of cinema, music, history and literature

EFA - European Film Award 2019 (december 7, 2019)

the european film awards (efa) are film awards awarded annually by the european film academy to european movies since 1988.

Edition number 32 of the event; awards assigned:

Miglior film

poster del film The Favourite
  for the movie The Favourite
nominations for the movie :

Migliore film commedia

poster del film The Favourite
  for the movie The Favourite
nominations for the movie :

Miglior regista

poster del film The Favourite
  for the movie The Favourite
Assigned to
Yorgos Lanthimos
nominations for the movie :

Miglior attrice

poster del film The Favourite
  for the movie The Favourite
Assigned to
Olivia Colman
nominations for the movie :

Migliore fotografia

poster del film The Favourite
  for the movie The Favourite
Assigned to
Robbie Ryan

Miglior scenografia

poster del film Pain and Glory
  for the movie Pain and Glory
Assigned to
Antxon Gomez

Migliori costumi

poster del film The Favourite
  for the movie The Favourite
Assigned to
Sandy Powell

Migliore trucco

poster del film The Favourite
  for the movie The Favourite
Assigned to
Nadia Stacey

best documentary

poster del film For Sama
  for the movie For Sama
Assigned to
Edward Watts, Waad Al-Khateab
nominations for the movie :

Miglior rivelazione

poster del film Les misérables
  for the movie Les misérables
Assigned to
Ladj Ly
nominations for the movie :
poster del film Atlantique
Assigned to
Mati Diop
poster del film Blindsone
Assigned to
Tuva Novotny
poster del film Irina
Assigned to
Nadejda Koseva